By Neil Armstrong
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Tiffany Gooch, political strategist at Enterprise & ENsight Canada Photo contributed |
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Idil Burale, senior associate for the MaRS Solutions Lab Photo contributed |
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Rob Davis, founder of Campaign Solutions Inc. Photo contributed |
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Matthew Green, City of Hamilton councillor Photo contributed |
The political advocacy committee of the
Jamaican Canadian Association is making sure that new candidates from the Black
community are ready for the upcoming provincial and municipal elections in
An expert panel of City of Hamilton
councillor, Matthew Green; former Toronto city councillor and school board
trustee, Rob Davis; and political strategist, Tiffany Gooch will address key
topics such as how to build a winning campaign, the mechanics of a political
campaign, from activism to action, and more at the Jamaican Canadian
Association on April 15.
The moderator is Idil Burale who ran as
a candidate in the last Toronto municipal election.
Danielle Dowdy, chair of the committee,
says they have done an event like this in the past but it closer to after the last
federal election was called.
“What we know is that the people who
are really serious about this are planning way in advance,” she says noting
that ideally this should have been in January but now is the second best time.
They will probably do another one with
the candidates who are identified next year to help them along in the process.
Ontario’s next general election is on
June 7, 2018, and the municipal election is on Oct. 22 next year.
“We really need our folks to get their
head in the game around what this really entails and what is required of them.”
founder of Campaign Solutions Inc., says when he ran in the 1991 municipal
election in York he had the benefit of having been a political operative in a
multitude of campaigns.
He had worked for MPs, MPPs, city
council and school board candidates since he was 12 years and at the age of 27
already had 15 years of experience.
“That was a big, big, big benefit for
me having, in essence, for most of those campaigns volunteered and then for
some of them worked on a paid basis as a campaign manager or a campaign
He’s of the belief that politics is one
of those things where “by donating your time in giving you actually get back a
tremendous amount.”
Davis identifies the three main
elements of a campaign as time, money, and people.
“Time is of the essence. Oftentimes the
candidates don’t realize how quickly the clock runs in a campaign.”
He says the best time to start
campaigning for next year’s city council election is the day after the last
municipal election.
“Money is the gasoline that drives the
engine of a political campaign and so, oftentimes, from the Black community I
have heard two types of messages. The first message is ‘I don’t want to bother
people by asking them for money.’ The second most common response from
candidates from the Black community is ‘I know the spending limit is $40,000
but I’m just going to spend $20,000.’”
He describes the latter as being
patently foolish and a formula for failure.
Regarding the third element – people –
Davis said the way to win as a black candidate in Ontario and Canada is to
attract as many people as possible from as many different backgrounds as
possible “to support you, to get them to volunteer, and for you to meet them.”
“So in politics it’s not who you know
but who you get to know,” he says noting that candidates have to go meet people
who they don’t know because they are the ones that will determine whether they
win or lose.
At the “So You Think You Can Run”
event, Davis says his core message will be “action is always rewarded; inaction
is always punished in political activities.”
“Doing nothing and sitting on your
hands and talking in the campaign office or sitting on Facebook and Twitter,
that’s not campaigning. Campaigning is about the very human interaction between
a candidate and voters.”
He notes that in the Black community, oftentimes,
there is an emphasis on resumes but they matter only to a very small group of
“What really matters is how people feel
about you.”
Gooch, a political strategist at
Enterprise & ENsight Canada, says she is usually the person in the backroom
helping to prepare candidates for what to expect on a campaign trail, in terms
of what kind of family, personal commitment, professional commitment it could
also mean.
“A lot more information that helps them
understand what to expect in terms of their friends and their family and the
folks that they’re probably looking to help them and kind of tempering their
expectations,” says Gooch about her presentation on the mechanics of a
It will also revolve around the fact
that “some people who they expect to help them may not help, and some people they’ll
never expect to help will give them a 100%. And how to bring out the best in
those people, and how to make sure that they’re being as authentic as possible
while they’re running their campaign to build strong relationships with the
folks that are putting in time and volunteer on their campaign.”
She will draw from examples of the best
and worst campaigns she has seen and suggest things they should do to motivate
the folks around them to give of their best.
Referencing things that a candidate
should have in their toolkit, Gooch says authenticity is the first and
foremost. Outside of that they should have time and a willingness to learn.
“There’s nothing worst to me than
someone who sort of considers himself an expert on everything and isn’t willing
to learn the ropes of a new environment. So no matter where people came from,
if they were a teacher before, if they were a business person before, politics
is its own beast.”
Gooch says they don’t need to know
everything but what they need to do is to surround themselves with people who
are willing to learn. It is a steep learning curve.
For her first campaign she started out
as the office manager and ended up being the deputy campaign manager.
She thinks there is a need for
“properly preparing our people if they’re interested in running, and giving
them the time to be successful and this is the opportunity.”
Green, who was elected to Hamilton City
Council in 2014, says he’ll be talking primarily about how to turn activism
into campaign organizing.
“Oftentimes, in our community we’re
coming out from the grassroots. We’re often not supported by partisan party
machines that bring with them campaign experience and donors and list. We’re
often left kind of to our own to do all of that stuff,” says Green.
He plans to share his own experience
and what he learned over the course of his campaign to save some people the
time on some of the critical issues of building lists, creating what he calls
Politics 3.0 – the nexus between social media and old school door-to-door Saul
Alinsky grassroots organizing.
The first-time city councillor will
tell his story of coming from the neighbourhood and running against fourteen
other candidates in a crowded field against political parties, having the odds
stacked against him, and the importance of coalition building.
Green said authenticity helped him in
his campaign, knowing the people and the issues of the Ward so he could “speak
to it in a way that my residents understood I knew what the deal was in our
community, that I knew what the issues were.”
“The commitment that we make as elected
officials to our constituents is to have integrity, defined simply as doing
what we said we were going to do when we said we were going to do it. I have
beside me here in my office a list of my campaign platform promises and one by
one I check them off to ensure that in the next election I can go back to my
community and report back and say that I did exactly what I said I was going to
Green noted that if “you’re not seeing
your community represented whether it’s in politics or in the legal system or
in the fire department or anywhere else, you don’t even think it’s an option.
So I want to just first be present so they understand that politics and elected
government is an option for them.”
“We’re greatly and vastly underserved
and underrepresented at the political table across the country. We have such a
long and deep history in this country it’s incumbent on us to take that on from
our own communities and to organize in ways that we’re seeing other newer
generations of immigrants and new Canadians have been very successful at
“Politics is not taboo. If you’re not at
the table you’re on the menu,” he said emphatically.
Dowdy says the panel will be a good wakeup call for potential candidates to move from thinking about it to getting serious right now if they’re doing it.
The requirement is that they bring 2-3
people with them, she says, noting that some people have said they don’t have a
team yet but she reminded them that they can’t win without one.
“You need to get your team in place
right now, not next year, right now so that everyone is onside and everyone
gets the training. It’s one thing for the candidates to know but once they’re
in the process there’s so much going on that they really shouldn’t be the ones
running the campaign. They’re the ones out there, they’re meeting people,
they’re talking but like the details is really what the team needs to know.”
She said when the committee held the
first one in 2014 after the federal election was called, the candidates were
happy but so too were the team members for some of the repeat runners because
they had never been included in anything like that.
“Campaigns take a lot. There’s a lot to
learn, there’s a lot of small things that if you can get started now, like starting
to build up the volunteer base, starting to get your name out there, meeting
with people that could possibly become donors in the future – like all of these
things that when the campaign is going on there is just not time for. So if
they’re really thinking about it, now is the time,” she emphasized.
[A shorter version of this story is in the April 13, 2017 issue of the North American Weekly Gleaner.]
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