Friday 20 March 2020

Bonding During Efforts to 'Flatten the Curve' of COVID-19

By Neil Armstrong

As many of us heed all of the advice from municipal, provincial and federal public health departments, ministers of health, premiers, mayors, politicians, friends and family to self-isolate and to practice social distancing in an attempt to ‘flatten the curve' (slowing the rate of infection) of the novel coronavirus – COVID-19, some of us are drawing on things that soothe our soul – like food, or photos of food at past social gatherings which all tell different stories. Thinking of these as I self-isolate.

I’ve been tuned into the various reports about COVID-19 – updates here and elsewhere in the world. There was a doctor from London, Ontario on CBC Radio’s The Current who said he preferred the terms ‘social cohesion’ and ‘physical distancing’ than ‘social distancing’ to describe what is happening now. He said people are coming together though physically apart. I’ve been reading and hearing about small acts of altruism by various people throughout the country. Kudos to them!

I keep hearing the refrain, “We’re in this together, “ and we certainly are, so while I’m not able to meet up with family and friends to bond over food -- I am calling them. A friend told me that last weekend he baked for the first time. He made a blueberry cake and its aroma drew his neighbor across the hall to knock on his door to ask for a slice. Another friend has decided to eat more salads with a new salad dressing and is working out at home.

Since so many events have been postponed or cancelled, I have been reading and writing more. You should all try to read the final report of the Peel District School Board Review by Shawn Richard, Suzanne Herbert and Ena that is available on the websites of the Ministry of Education, and Peel District School Board. You can also read the ministerial directions to the Board from Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education at

I’ve also been calling up friends who are owners of businesses in the food industry to find out how they are doing. As someone who enjoys walking this is a time for me to take long walks around the park and to try not to look at my phone. To essentially, be present in the moment, is my aim.

I am sharing photos of food, some prepared by me; others by family and friends and thinking of all the fun moments they represent. 

Be well, and stay safe as we wash our hands with soap and water for 20 seconds often to whatever songs we choose to sing or hum, avoid touching your face, and follow all the other necessary precautions to curb the spread of COVID-19.

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